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Deep pothole on nearside Westbound on A35

Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 07:31, Mon 2 January 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4075575.

I spotted another deep pothole on the hill down into Honiton last night. Don't have the exact location as my dashcam's SD card became corrupted.

This one is going to be really dangerous for cyclists or any driver driving too close to the edge of the road.

I lost count how many potholes I either hit or narrowly avoided in both directions on the A35 in the dark last night. I suggest you send one of those camera road surface survey vehicles from Honiton to Dorchester in both directions. Other people are reporting damage to their vehicles on this stretch of the A35.

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  • Image from my previous drive towards Honiton on the A35 on 28 Dec 2022. Pothole on nearside opposite dwelling.

    Posted anonymously at 07:59, Mon 2 January 2023

  • Photo...

    Posted anonymously at 13:49, Mon 2 January 2023

  • It was filled in but after a couple of weeks its as big if not bigger than before again a d very dangerous

    Posted anonymously at 11:58, Sun 15 January 2023

  • The forward end of the repair has failed again. The hole is now about 800mm long by 400mm wide and at least 60mm deep. The forward edge of the pothole is now previously undamaged surface that is now breaking up and failing. As I live in the house opposite the hole we are feeling an increasingly strong tremor through the house every time a heavy truck passes over it.

    Posted by Jon at 10:21, Fri 24 February 2023

  • Given that the owner of the house opposite this pothole has posted on here complaining about tremors in their property I’m guessing this pothole has NOT been fixed.

    Posted anonymously at 18:16, Mon 27 February 2023
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • The pot hole was fixed but it had failed in a matter of weeks, maybe something more drastic needs to be done to fit this reoccurring pothole

    Posted anonymously at 18:04, Fri 31 March 2023

  • Drove to Devon this week and the pothole seems to have been fixed.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 00:10, Sat 23 September 2023

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