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A52 A46 roundabout junction underneath the A46 road

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 19:48, Mon 21 November 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3981896.

The lane markings and lettering are almost not visible on the roundabout. Particularly with the wet and dirty winter roads

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  • Thank you for your enquiry regarding A52/A46. Can you please advise if you are referring to A46 or A52. It may be easier if you contact 0300 123 5000 so that I can fully answer your enquiry.

    Posted anonymously at 10:35, Thu 24 November 2022

  • There is a roundabout under The A46 bridges, the roundabout is actually the A52 road but will be very clear what the problem is when your Inspectors visit the site.

    Posted anonymously at 17:23, Thu 24 November 2022

  • Good afternoon, could you provide me with an update on this report please. there is no indication at the location that anything has been done or proposed work. Thank you

    Posted anonymously at 14:00, Sun 18 December 2022

  • Can you provide me with a update on this report please, its over a month since it was reported.

    Posted anonymously at 16:51, Tue 3 January 2023

  • White line markings barely visible and not at all at night at the A52 Saxondale Roundabout under he A46 fly over. Very dangerous. Also a couple of street lamps not working there which makes negotiating this roundabout very hazardous. Been like this for some time. I can see that others have reported this at the end of 2022 but nothing has been done!!!

    Posted anonymously at 21:15, Sun 19 February 2023

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