Pothole on the inside lane of the M11 just before junction A1025
Reported via mobile in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 17:58, Tue 1 November 2022
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3930952.
I was travelling on the inside lane of the M11 and hit a pothole with a mighty thump. I came off at the bishops storyboard services and I have a dent in my near side front tyres. Can the pothole be repaired
Multiple vehicles with blown out tyre due to deep and wide pothole
Posted anonymously at 19:25, Tue 1 November 2022
I hit the same pothole and now have a flat tyre, huge bump as I hit it
Posted anonymously at 21:08, Tue 1 November 2022
Inside lane of m11 before 7a we hit a pot hole which felt like a well!! Ripped my front tyre and smashed my wheel and split my rear p/s tyre too had to get AA recovery, at least 30 other cars all at approx 6-6:30 this evening on hard shoulder after wheels and tyres being damaged
Posted anonymously at 21:10, Tue 1 November 2022
I hit this same pothole at approx 1810:hrs on 1st November, blew my near side front tyre out.
Posted anonymously at 19:02, Fri 4 November 2022
Thank you for contacting National Highways about the pothole on the M11.
This has now been repaired.
Kind regards
National Highways
State changed to: Closed
Posted by National Highways at 10:05, Wed 9 November 2022
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.