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Faulty detection for Avonmouth Road arm of signalised Portway Roundabout, which are causing large queues on that arm.

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category by The Traffic Signals Team, Bristol City Council at 14:14, Thu 6 October 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3872632.

From a local resident on Avonmouth Road: "Absolute disgrace!

Think about residents when changing/setting the time scale the green light is on.

Morning and evening now queues of traffic idling outside my house and all my neighbours. Now straight into a queue to get to work and back in a queue to get back into my house. Ridiculous!

How about adding a few more seconds to our green light on this side of the roundabout and add a few more seconds of red light on the dual carriageway side where the residents there are set back and have their own separate roads they can vacate their properties from. I've noticed the green light is on for less time now, whoever thought that up needs speaking to!

I’ve spoken to my neighbours and we are not happy about this. Shambles!

Lorries backing up into the industrial estate opposite creating problems and delays in the businesses also."

I would suggest you need to investigate your detection for Avonmouth Road onto the Portway Roundabout. Please investigate.

BCC Traffic Signals Engineer

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways concerning the traffic lights.

    We shall look into this issue and aim to provide a response by 20/10/22.

    Can we please ask that you check back on this date for an update.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 08:19, Mon 10 October 2022

  • Thank you for contacting National Highways concerning the traffic lights.

    We've been back to site again today to investigate further into this and haven’t really found anything that would cause the issues.

    We did find a sticky detector pack which may be the issue but it did detect the traffic and all was running ok on the controller and the roundabout and approach roads.

    We've ordered a spare detector pack to install at site in the next day or so, when it arrives, so will need to monitor.

    If you require any further information please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 06:47, Tue 11 October 2022

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