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Road Markings Worn and cause confusion.

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 18:05, Wed 14 September 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3825804.

So. Currently there are 4 lanes on the m25 slip to the roundabout. A12w A12E A12E and A1023. On the roundabout you loose a 12E lane. As the only three available are M25N A12E and A1023+M25S. This causes people from the two lanes for the A12E to both try and use the middle lane. There are 0 markings to guide cars to the 0 correct lanes, as of today there was another near miss. If the left hand A12E lane on the slip uses the outside lane, currently labeled M25N to continue around the roundabout, there is another risk of collision due to people incorrectly merging over after the M25N turn off.

Over my 7 years of driving every time I’ve used this junction I’ve witnessed a near miss due to the appalling lane markings and designations. Please rework and rethink the lane usage on this junction.

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    Posted anonymously at 18:10, Wed 14 September 2022

  • Additional photos

    Posted anonymously at 18:19, Wed 14 September 2022

  • There was a long piece if plastic flying on the m25 which hit my car and had to pull over to hard shoulder. A lorry driver managed to get it off my car but was not safe for me to catch the plastic but it looked like it went on the green.

    Posted anonymously at 15:37, Thu 10 November 2022

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