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Traffic light timing A585/West Drive

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 22:30, Sun 11 September 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3818089.

For as long as i can remember (6 months +) the timings for the light on the junction of A585/West Drive are abysmal. The traffic on West Drive will clear, yet the light remain Green for a significant period of time, sometimes 1+ Minute with nothing coming or waiting. This is evident on both side of the junction.

The timings need to be amended. When its busy, its ok, but in quieter times its a joke. I thought this junction was redone a couple of years back and made it 'Smart'. If so, somethings not right.

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  • And another person complaining about the same issue.....its getting boring now....but i'm still going to highlight it regularly.....

    Posted anonymously at 14:48, Mon 26 September 2022

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