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Confusing forest of cones causing huge delays!

Reported via desktop in the Roadworks (NH) category anonymously at 13:39, Thu 8 September 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3812112.

The Windy Harbour road scheme is causing huge problems at the moment, which appears to be due to the huge forest of large traffic cones at the River Wyre traffic junction. I appreciate there is lots of work going on, but I was delayed in excess of 45 mins this morning, for no reason than utter confusion by some motorists being met by a huge number of cones. Can we simplify this please? It is unnecessary.

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  • Taking me 45 min in a morning to just get off the bridge, my child has been late for school at stanah several times even though i am setting off earlier. i can't possible set off any more earlier due to another child going to school on the other side of the bridge. There only being one lane at skip pool roundabout is the congestion problem. needs sorting out

    Posted anonymously at 20:36, Wed 14 September 2022

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