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GRIDLOCK!!! (Tinsley South)

Reported via desktop in the Roadworks (NH) category anonymously at 20:27, Fri 26 August 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3783818.

What on earth is going on at the MeadowHELL junction? The whole area is grinding to a halt during the PM rush hour. Are the "roadworks" to blame? Or the eight seconds green light that we get on the northbound off slip into Sheffield? Either way its a bloody mess at the moment. It took me 35 minutes just to get from the M1 slip road to Upwell Street, a distance of no more than two miles! Part of my one hour and eleven minute commute that day (25-08-2022) from Tickhill to the S5 area of Sheffield. A distance of 18.5 miles in total. Seems others are also shouting about this... Is there any work actually being done here? Cos all I see on my way home are cones, red lights and frustrated commuters cutting each other up left right and centre. STRESS!!! It would appear to me not knowing any better that this area is being VERY badly managed indeed.

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