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A19 southbound moorhouse farm roundabout

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 15:55, Thu 25 August 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3780732.

The traffic lights have changed causing queuing at rush hour times. Traffic is backing up on southbound approach. The timing of the lights has changed as this junction has never been like this. Could we have a look at the signalling timing.


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  • The traffic lights on the moor farm roundabout have been moved causing difficulty to see the lights when travelling south from A19 to join A19.

    Also the number of bad potholes on the southbound carriageway from moorhouse farm to silver link is shocking!

    Posted anonymously at 10:19, Wed 8 February 2023

  • The temporary traffic lights at moor house farm are working great for the people on the A19 there is lots of traffic getting through but heading north the lights are changing abot every 30seconds about 4 vehicles getting through it is ridiculous hope this can be rectified soon there must be alot of frustrated drivers.

    Posted anonymously at 20:51, Wed 8 May 2024

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