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Traffic light sequence

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 09:27, Tue 16 August 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3757269.

Congestion in all directions except from A5 East. Traffic light sequence is causing congestion. Started Monday morning. Thanks

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  • Thank you for your report concerning the traffic lights at Emstrey Roundabout.

    We’re aware of this issue. Our contractors are currently planning in the work to repair these lights. Unfortunately, I can't give an exact date this work will be undertaken.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 15:37, Fri 2 September 2022

  • Lights are out on the island again. Another accident by the looks of it. This causes a build-up of traffic and is very dangerous .why can’t you install temporary lights the help keep things safe- this should be an urgent repair and not take the same amount of time it did at Christmas. Also, look at why these crashes keep happening in the same location and do something about it. Whoever thought the minuscule filter lanes was a good idea has clearly never driven down this road, I’ve seen a number of near misses because people don’t realise just how short the filter is. That’s not even where the crash was, just thought I’d mention how shocking the entire island is.

    Posted anonymously at 23:13, Mon 26 September 2022

  • Accident today 01/10/22 lights need to be fixed asap. This is dangerous. You know this keeps happening put guards by lights. You need to make this safe NOW

    Posted anonymously at 17:33, Sat 1 October 2022

  • Please fix these lights as priority or put adequate signage in place. Your response in unacceptable. Too many accidents and near misses. You should be made accountable. DO SOMETHING NOW

    Posted anonymously at 12:46, Sun 2 October 2022

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