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Poor uneven repairs to road and existing surface issues southbound

Reported via desktop in the Road surface (NH) category anonymously at 15:26, Wed 10 August 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3744844.

The uneven road A1 south between A6121 and A43 has an area that is really uneven and the current repairs have not made this any better but it needs attention. Only a part of this has been repaired.

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  • The verges and laybys of the A1 North of Peterborough for many miles is disgustingly full of litter. Plastic, paper, food cartons ond tyres etc etc (probably bith sides actually) Whist i am aware this is caused by selfish individuals, Is this not highways responcibility to maintain and clear up periodically? We all pay road taxes and council taxes. If i were a visitor to the UK i would be even more appalled Is there any scheduled an to have a clear up?

    Posted by Carolyn kaye at 14:57, Mon 6 February 2023

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