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Traffic light timings on A585 at west drive junction

Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 10:44, Fri 5 August 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3732615.

I can no longer use this section of the A585 as I cannot wait for the traffic light sequence , it is just set up so incorrectly that I can’t waste anymore time sat there. Before the new junction was formed the lights were almost intelligent and change to suit the traffic but now you wait for so long with nobody moving it is unbearable…. I have tried to report this before without any luck, other motorist must feel the same …

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  • I have been complaining about this for nearly 2 years now. They told me a year ago it was a sensor problem and they were in discussions about a way forward. Now they don’t even respond to my emails.

    Posted anonymously at 10:22, Tue 23 August 2022

  • That's me apparently! yes, its a blooming disgrace that nothing has been done to sort this issue out as it impacts hundreds of cars on a daily basis. If you keep posting about it, i will'll be just like Shawshank Redemption.... in the end we WILL get a new library.... ;-)

    Posted anonymously at 14:37, Mon 26 September 2022

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