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Fallen trees

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation (grass/hedges/trees) (NH) category anonymously at 09:18, Wed 27 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3709924.

Location = public layby -on the side of the road that heads towrds Newmarket. Work was done earlier this year to clear a lot of fallen trees/dead wood in this area. However there's now a large pine down. No danger to traffic as it's down an embankmet descending down to the adjoining field boundary. Exact location = go right to the very end of the layby [Newmarket end].There's a small raised platform at the road edge [concrete base,metal railing] and it's a few mrtes past that down the embankment. Your help is once again apreciated in this matter. Thank you

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  • Thank you for your report concerning a fallen tree.

    We have passed your report on to the relevant department who will investigate your concerns and action accordingly.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted anonymously at 07:57, Thu 28 July 2022

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