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At last!!

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 11:04, Tue 19 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3687048.

I have to say, credit where credit is due, long overdue mind you.... A solution following investigation! By jingo the process can work, just maybe a couple of years too late. Hey Ho, personally I appreciate someone reading my banal whingeing and japes, hopefully giving you a chuckle every now and again but always with a serious undercurrent. As anticipated, it has now been noted that I, along with a few other notable, and indeed noble, keyboard warriors, have been exonerated and hopefully we shall see the light (green hopefully), and be winging our way through these lights with gay abandon, grinning like Cheshire cats every time we traverse this intersection. Or the work gets canned. You decide. Just bear in mind, I'm watching and waiting....roll on September! Oh, and thanks. DB

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    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 08:08, Wed 20 July 2022

  • Oh no...he's back..... I thought you said we'd be getting a solution n September? That's what you said....I've got photographic evidence too.... Well, it appears you only have 4 days left to sort the 'solution' out, and that includes today....somehow i'm not getting that warm feeling i had briefly back in July..... Do prove me wrong!

    Posted anonymously at 14:52, Mon 26 September 2022

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