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Concerns over the A14 diversion through Haughley New Street at Junction 47a and Junction 49

Reported via desktop in the Roadworks (NH) category anonymously at 15:32, Mon 18 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3685150.

Concerns over the A14 diversion through Haughley New Street at Junction 47a and Junction 49 A preferred solution is that there should be no diversion through Haughley New Street in any direction. It is preferred instead that SCC and Suffolk Highways employ single lane working on the A14 during the works, as has been done in previous years. If for whatever reason such a logical approach will not be implemented, then severe speed restriction measures through Haughley New Street must be taken, e.g., where the road is narrowed in several places from J47A to J49 through Haughley New Street, in both directions. Traffic in the parish of Haughley has increased several folds over the last 10 years and our villages are in danger of destruction both physically and emotionally for residents. Haughley Parish Council is continuing to monitor traffic through the parish and will in due course make representation, evidenced by real and robust data, to SCC for appropriate controls to be put in place on our roads to limit the traffic, particularly HGVs.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways about diversions from the A14 towards Haughley New Street.

    We recognise the impact when we close sections of our network and divert traffic, and appreciate the concerns raised about the diversions here. We make careful decisions in liaison with local authorities about diverting traffic, including the impact on those communities through which it is diverted.

    We are working with Suffolk County Council to consider priority routes for review and look at existing issues such as diverting through the villages of Haughley New Street, Wetherden and Elmswell. We also regularly review to see if additional signs are needed.

    Whilst we try to avoid diverting traffic from our network where possible, we often need to divert traffic onto the local roads. These routes must be suitable for all vehicle types, including HGVs and must be agreed by the local authority before the works start. Due to the rural nature of Suffolk, we are limited to available routes that suitable for these types of vehicles.

    As you’ll be aware, we will be carrying out work to rebuild the A14 concrete carriageway between junctions 47a Haughley to 49 Tothill, providing a smoother and quieter journey for road users. This work will begin in early 2023 and will be carried out under a contraflow allowing the A14 to remain open with one lane running in each direction. Some closures will be necessary to install the contraflow, but we will endeavour to keep these to a minimum.

    Thank you again for your report.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 17:03, Mon 1 August 2022

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