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Broken Cattle Grid and Fencing

Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 17:22, Sun 17 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3682551.

The access point across the cattle grid is relatively narrow compared to “normal” gateways across the Forest. We guess it is at 10 ft rather than the normal 12 ft. As a result, the fencing has been smashed repeatedly on both sides, largely we guess by delivery drivers and people using the access who are not familiar with it. From time to time, the repeated damage results in pieces of the fencing obstructing the sides of the already limited access.

Of more concern is the fact that people crossing the grid at high speed have now broken the metalwork of the grid. We think it is now potentially unsafe for larger/heavier vehicles to use. This includes those of us on the track who have various forms of horse transport and commoners who may also be transporting livestock.

Not only does this present the risk of a vehicle being stuck on the cattle grid, with resultant damage to the vehicle and any livestock, there is also the risk that any incident may also impact the fast-flowing traffic on the A31, increasing the likelihood of a more serious incident.

Most horribly, the failure of the cattle grid and/or fencing may lead to ponies being able to enter the A31.

I have made HCC aware of the problem and they have advised that it is a NH responsibility.

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  • Thank you for your report concerning a broken cattle grid on the A31.

    I can confirm that we are aware of this problem. Our inspector has visited the site and logged the grid for repair, and has stated that, whilst it does need repair, it is still functional and preventing animals from reaching the main road.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 14:36, Wed 20 July 2022

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