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Overgrown brambles & Overhanging trees

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation (grass/hedges/trees) (NH) category anonymously at 08:35, Thu 14 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3675247.

Land between the M3 and no.s 5 & 7 Britannia Drive Beggarwood, Basingstoke.

Following on from previous reports regarding this area, the brambles and and weeds are growing up and over the boundary fence line to the rear of my property. There are also some trees with over hanging branches that you said would be cut back. This was reported back in February along with a report of a damaged fence. You have said the fence doesn't belong to you and isn't your responsibility which is fine. However as mentioned in a previous report, you said the work would be done within 28 days. This was back in February 2022, it is now July 2022 and nothing has been done. Please could somebody inform us when the are here to carryout the work so we can identify which trees need to be cut back.

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  • Thank you for your report concerning the overgrown vegetation.

    The location has been assessed and no action will be taken at the moment. Please find a useful link below which explains how we manage and maintain trees and vegetation:


    You may prune unprotected trees and hedges overhanging your land, and the roots growing beneath your land, up to your boundary.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by at 15:50, Fri 15 July 2022

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