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Signs constantly on 60mph

Reported via mobile in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 18:33, Tue 5 July 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3652319.

Every time I travel down or up the M6 your variable speed section running from Stafford to Birmingham both ways is constantly on 60mph. For over 30mins no reason for it. The speed limit is 70mph yet there seems to be an agenda to make everyone slow down regardless of what time of day it is or if there is very little traffic. Can you please explain why this is? I think it’s to raise money by catching people driving at 70mph when your signs are 60mph. This is unlawful and if not sorted will report to the BBC news and other news agencies There is no good reason why it’s 60mph for over 30miles this is delaying peoples journeys.

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  • Obstruction in first lane - van stopped/stranded

    Posted anonymously at 11:13, Wed 13 July 2022

  • Signs are still saying 60mph and were like it months ago with no reason as to why either

    Posted anonymously at 11:54, Sat 16 July 2022

  • M6 signs report a long since cleared accident and 60 mph speed limit. Where is active lane monitor?

    Posted anonymously at 11:18, Thu 4 August 2022

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