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Unclear lane markings

Reported via desktop in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 14:42, Mon 9 May 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3512240.

Off ramp from westbound A47 heading to A11/B1172

Current signage says left 2 lanes are for A11 southbound only. Right hand lane for B1172/Hethersett/Services/Norwich.

Most SatNavs say that the middle lane can also be used for B1172/Hethersett/Services thus leading for the middle lane and Right hand lane cars colliding. Signage for the correct lane is only on the road surface only so cars further back in the lane do not see this if there is queue of traffic..

1) please update all online Sat Navs companies so they can change to navigation at this junction to reflect the signage. 2) Please put of gantry/signs further up the slip way and on the A47 so that cars have time to get in the correct lane.

Many thanks.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways regarding the unclear lane markings. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.

    We have inspected the site and our inspector has informed us that the road does not meet the criteria for a repair. There are future plans for repairs in a scheme which will be taking place here within the next 18 months.

    Thank you again for contacting us. If you need more information about this, please feel free to contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 500 or by email at

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted anonymously at 14:27, Wed 11 May 2022

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