Traffic lights not working
Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 08:28, Tue 19 April 2022
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3466811.
Traffic lights not working since yesterday afternoon monday 19th 12pm !! 20hrs later
Traffic lights still not working at Lyons Farm Junction near B&Q. I had to cross traffic honking my horn as warning! Only matter of time till someone is killed here!
Posted anonymously at 11:22, Sun 1 May 2022
Traffic lights out since 8pm on Tuesday 19th July just had to take my life in my own hands to get across, and I hear they are still out 12hrs later., The temp lights keep going out its only a matter of time before a huge accident When is the work going to be finished this is a busy set of lights been going on since before Christmas.
Posted anonymously at 08:58, Wed 20 July 2022
The lights that are are now working are not sequenced right. It’s causing major issues as it’s causing massive tail backs on the surrounding roads ,and cars are getting stuck on the yellow junction box blocking the flow of traffic.
Posted anonymously at 12:31, Thu 21 July 2022
Lights out of synce causing massive tailbacks to lancing
Posted anonymously at 09:59, Fri 16 September 2022
State changed to: Closed
Posted by National Highways at 11:59, Thu 7 September 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.