Large amounts of litter on the embankment exposed by vegetation removal
Reported via mobile in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 11:48, Sun 17 April 2022
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3463848.
The vegetation was cut back a few weeks ago. I also have a question about vegetation removal in the bird nesting season. This bank has developed into a very nice piece of urban habitat. Do you have an ecologist check the area before cutting? Perhaps you have a FAQ on the website where you could answer this Many thanks.
Thank you for contacting National Highways concerning vegetation clearance.
We shall look into this issue and aim to provide a response by 03/05/22.
Can we please ask that you check back on this date for an update.
Kind regards
National Highways
Posted by National Highways at 12:12, Wed 20 April 2022
Thank you for your report concerning large amounts of litter on the embankment exposed by vegetation removal.
We carried out a litter pick during the works. However, the volume built up again and so another job was raised. We anticipate to have this picked again by the end of the week.
We had a ecological presence on the work site every day. The works were undertaken to return the site to its original species rich, wildflower habitat. Helping to turn it’s bio-diversity net loss back into a gain.
Most of the vegetation on the bank was bramble – which was increasing year in year. Bramble has an invasive habit. Going forward, this bank will now be maintained for what it is, namely species rich grassland.
If you require any further update on this issue our Customer Contact Centre is available 24 hours a day at:
• 0300 123 5000
Kind regards
National Highways
State changed to: No further action
Posted by National Highways at 14:47, Fri 29 April 2022
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