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Litter Mi sheffield to Barnsley probably further

Reported via mobile in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 08:08, Sun 17 April 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3463526.

I was so distracted driving from Sheffield to Barnsley because of the huge amount of litter n the verges, in bushes, laybys and slip roads leading off. It must be one of the most littered motorways in the UK I'm just glad it didn't cause me to crash. Plus the amount of plastic sheeting could easily blow across a windscreen. I have also reported the disgusting state of Sheffield parkway near the city centre but its not been cleaned up. I'm ashamed when people enter our city.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 16:51, Mon 30 May 2022

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 23:55, Tue 28 June 2022

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