M5 lane closures and other hazards
Reported via desktop in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 15:15, Sat 16 April 2022
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3462929.
I hope you will make sure that any junction/slip road closures are given plenty of advance warning because there is absolutely no excuse for the number of times there has been absolutely no warning, if it happens again and you don't take the responsible action to discipline the control staff and whomever else is responsible I will look to take action as this has happened many many times over the years but especially in the past year been worst. Especially in recent weeks and back in 2020 when the J19 works were being completed. Literally the one and only warning it was closed was seeing the coned off lanes 1-3 closure over the brow of the Avonmouth bridge south. There is really no excuse and I will make clear that if this happens again and isn't sorted I will look to claim compensation as it is an expensive cost as a result of your neglect.
This goes to show the dangers of all lane running as well. If your staff aren't up to checking for hazards 24/7 and we're dependent on them to prevent life and death and where literally life is on your hands and time to avoid serious/fatal incidents happening then these said staff should be immediately sacked. It wouldn't be tolerated if a 999 caller or an airplane pilot was inattentive on duty, yet this has not happened once where you take any responsibility for your fails and wrongdoings. Unacceptable and grossly insulting to say the least! Same with restriction/lane closure signs remaining on LONG after being completely cleared or other times absolutely no warnings of a broken down vehicle or closure or low speed limits at night for 'invisible' lane closures and yet national speed limits during treacherous weather conditions/traffic levels or an actual hazard. Is it any wonder people have no faith?! Nothing excuses it at all! Thank you
Thank you for your report concerning lane closures, signing and conditions on the M5. We're sorry to hear about your concerns.
Junction and slip road closures for pre-planned works are routinely signed via the matrix signage where available to allow motorists to leave the motorway beforehand and seek alternative routes. They are also communicated via our social media channels, our own traffic information services and third party providers. Although we cannot guarantee a third party mapping provider will update their system in good time, the information is provided to them nonetheless. These messages are reinforced with repeated temporary yellow signage physically located on the approach to the planned closure and contain information specific to the closure, such as planned timings and instruction to use an alternative junction if applicable. For spontaneous closures due to incidents occurring, best efforts are made to update matrix signage. However during incidents the situation can change very quickly so each one is judged on its own merits with signage updated accordingly. The specific roadworks referred to in 2020 at M5 junction 19, I believe were the junction upgrade works. These were long-term and communicated well in advance. Additional temporary signage was used on the approach to give motorists advanced warning of the closures, which were in the most part overnight. With relation to speed limits and lane closures being displayed. In many cases these are displayed as soon as we are made aware of a hazard on the network and at a stage of incident response whereby the report is unsubstantiated and unconfirmed. The signal is set to provide warning to motorists and will be adjusted or removed completely if further information is received. Again each situation is judged on its merits and our approach changes through the changing incident to reflect the information we are in possession of at the time. We have in place a number of severe weather plans where additional risks have been identified on the strategic road network, though on the most part the responsibility falls on the driver to drive with a level of care and attention relevant to the weather conditions. A displayed national speed limit is not a target speed for drivers to attain, it is the lawful maximum speed to be viewed in isolation of the conditions. It may not be the appropriate speed to travel at that moment. Drivers should adapt their driving, including their speed accordingly to the environment presented before them.
In the future could you please report issues such as this to our Customer Contact Centre as this reporting tool is designed for defects such as a broken sign or barrier, litter, overgrown vegetation or potholes.
Our Customer Contact Centre, available 24 hours a day at:
• 0300 123 5000
Kind regards
National Highways
State changed to: No further action
Posted by National Highways at 11:51, Fri 29 April 2022
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