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National Highway's this is YOUR litter

Reported via Android in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 06:29, Thu 14 April 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3458584.

National Highways you really are an absolute disgrace. Your workers are utter tossers, that dump of their equipment including A frames, sandbags traffic cones and general litter all throughout the road network! All we ever hear from you is 'we carry out inspections of the network', we regularly litter pick' 'we care for the environment' blah blah blah blah. It is all an utter load of absolute rubbish. You as a company paid by tax payers could not give a damn. I see your equipment literally everywhere. This equipment at rising bridge was left ages ago by your disgraceful workers, and was reported in February but still remains. You are as bad if not worse than all the road users that throw litter from their vehicles. You're part of the problem not the solution. You should be held accountable and heavily fined. STOP LITTERING/FLYTIPPING ALL YOUR EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. This endemic by your workers needs to stop, their attitudes and behaviour needs to change. Forward to anyone within your awful company that actually gives a damn.

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