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Overgrown vegetation along the walkway next to the A27

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation (grass/hedges/trees) (NH) category anonymously at 09:26, Fri 25 February 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3342865.

There is a large build up of litter and overgrown vegetation along the footpath. This is causing rats in the are which are also getting in to peoples gardens that live nearby in Rectory Road. This is becoming a huge nuisance and causing distress to people living nearby

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  • Thank you for your report concerning the overgrown vegetation along the walkway next to the A27.

    Our inspector has reviewed this. Currently this isn’t causing any concerns, we will continue to monitor this and will arrange any required work if the situation changes.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 15:01, Wed 2 March 2022

  • The vegetation is close to taking over the footpath from railway bridge to A2030. Becoming almost impassible at points.

    Posted anonymously at 15:03, Wed 15 June 2022

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