Debris and litter
Reported via desktop in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 11:33, Tue 1 February 2022
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3281683.
I have driven this morning along the A14 from Quy to Milton and back. I am absolutely gobsmacked at the rubbish and debris strewn all along both sides. There is plastic everywhere, all along the verge, in the trees. There is unused road cones, pop-up signs no longer in use, car parts, lorry tyres. I realise it is a very difficult task to address, as it is such a busy road, but surely not acceptable to leave it. It has been like this for ages and gets worse as time goes on. You discuss the environment in your vision but in my opinion, this has been totally neglected.
Thank you for contacting National Highways regarding litter on the A14. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
National Highways manage motorways and certain ‘A’ road trunk roads in England, all other roads are the responsibility of local authorities. We, National Highways, are not responsible for litter on the A14. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1991, responsibility falls to the local authority.
Contact details for local authorities can be found by using the search facility at:
To help, we’re working with them to ensure litter picking is better co-ordinated with other routine maintenance work on our road network. By doing so, we aim to minimise disruption to those using our roads, reduce costs and importantly, ensure safety standards for those picking the litter are met.
We carry out redundant roadworks equipment removal on a bi-monthly basis. The signs and cones should be removed as part of this, providing they do not need to stay in place for further roadworks.
Thank you again for contacting us. If you need more information about this, please feel free to contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 500 or by email at
Kind Regards,
National Highways
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Posted anonymously at 15:16, Wed 2 February 2022
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