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Missing boundary - bridge 3A, Fence between Garston Park and the M1

Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 14:39, Mon 17 January 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3247053.

The chainlink fence between Garston park & the motorway has been cut away and rolled back allowing trespass onto the top of the Network Rail bridge (bridge 3A) & just as worryingly it gives direct access to the north bound carriage ways of the M1. A dog off the lead or people can walk straight on to the road.

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  • There are clear signs of trespass on the railway at this location; graffiti, fly tipping, etc. We believe people are gaining access via this broken fence. Please can the fence be repaired ASAP?

    Posted anonymously at 09:46, Mon 31 January 2022

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