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Road markings not clear when exiting the roadworks and causes users to incorrectly drive up the green tarmac close to verge then try and merge before roundabout

Reported via desktop in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 11:05, Thu 6 January 2022

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3219841.

It is confusing leaving the M6 SMA roadworks and exiting from Lane 1 northbound up to J22 because we are using the hard shoulder on Lane 1 and then the tarmac is part green colour coded on the exit lane. It is not clear if you are supposed to stay left and go into the green shaded tarmac or stay on the main grey tarmac up to the roundabout.

I have always assumed from the markings that the green shaded area is not to be driven on but yesterday during busy but reasonably fast traffic i witnessed two vehicles using the green shaded tarmac on the left which then runs out on them before the roundabout and they had to try and cut back in again a few meters before the roundabout. The vehicle in front of me tooted its horn angrily at these drivers and so i am still assuming that they did not use the exit lane correctly, but it is definitely not clear and could cause an accident. It is perhaps worse because we have all just been using the hard shoulder on the SMA road works section.

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  • Thank you for your report concerning the road markings within the smart motorway works on the M6 prior to Junction 22.

    We have passed your report on to the relevant department who will investigate your concerns. In the future could you please report issues such as this to our Customer Contact Centre as this reporting tool is designed for defects such as a broken sign or barrier, litter, overgrown vegetation or potholes.

    Our Customer Contact Centre, available 24 hours a day at:

    • 0300 123 5000


    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted anonymously at 08:17, Mon 10 January 2022

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