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M25(N) Junction 28 Road Markings for exit to A12(E)

Reported via desktop in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 10:53, Wed 1 December 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3153064.

I write in relation to the road markings on the Brook Street Roundabout for vehicles leaving the M25(N) at Junction 28. For those wishing to exit the roundabout to the A12(W) the following steps apply:

[Step 1] On the approach to the roundabout, the road markings (and signage) provide for traffic as follows:

Lane 1: A12(W) Lane 2: A12 (E) Lane 3: A12 (E) Lane 4: A1023

[Step 2] Following the traffic signal, the lanes then branch and are marked as follows:

Lane 1 branches onto the A12(W)

The remaining 3 lanes are then marked as follows:

Lane 1 is marked M25(N) Lane 2 is marked A12(E) Lane 3 is marked A1023/M25(S)

[Step 3] Following the branch off to the M25(N), the remaining 3 lanes are then marked as follows:

Lane 1: A12(E) Lane 2: A12(E) Lane 3: A1023/M25(S)

The issue with this is that at Step 2 the road marking for those in Lanes 2 and 3 at Step 1 (the traffic signal after leaving the M25(N)) are (in effect) directed to merge on the roundabout at Step 2 into a single lane, before then splitting again into 2 lanes at Step 3. This creates confusion and a greater likelihood of collision when traversing the roundabout because those in Lane 2 at Step 1 would naturally filter into the furthermost left lane after the branch off to the A12(W), but instead see the road marking is now for the M25(N) and so seek to change into the middle lane of 3 - where those in lane 3 at Step 1 naturally merge. I was nearly hit by a lorry on this roundabout for this very reason.

The logical solution for that is to mark the lane on the left after the branch off to the A12(W) as "M25(N)/A12(E)". Those in that lane would then naturally merge into lane 1 at Step 3 (if not re-entering the M25(N)), with those in Lane 2 at Step 2 carrying on into Lane 2 at Step 3.

This appears to be how the roundabout was designed, but the road markings are making this unclear for drivers and creating an unnecessary risk of collisions as a consequence.

I should be grateful if you could pass this to the relevant team to consider amending the road markings.

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  • It's good to know that it's not just me who finds this counter intuitive. Seems weird and not to mention dangerous to have the A12(E) lanes merge in to 1 then split again immediately after.

    Posted anonymously at 22:17, Tue 22 August 2023

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