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Traffic lights on slip rosd

Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 16:49, Thu 7 October 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 3048531.

The traffic lights at the top of the slip road seem to have incorrect timings which is causing a higher than normal build up on the a127. This has been noticeable particularly this week

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  • The traffic lights have been and continue to cause significant build up of traffic on the A127. Added journey times this morning were in excess of 10 minutes. When getting to the slip road (eventually) you can see the issue is that the lights don't stay green long enough and are red for a ridiculous amount of time. Too much time is given to traffic coming from the right, there is never a build up of traffic here. Too much time is also given to works traffic merging from the left, surely these lights should only operate if there is traffic waiting to come out (sensors).

    Posted anonymously at 11:19, Fri 8 October 2021

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