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Faded/worn road markings

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 08:19, Tue 14 September 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2999384.

Can i bring to your attention the faded road markings A184 eastbound approaching Whitemere Pool roundabout leading to north bound Leam Road. The lane one markings show left hand turn only where lane two is for straight ahead and right.

These faded markings may have been a contributing factor to a near miss which occurred yesterday where a car in lane one went straight on while i was in lane two turning left.

As a priority these markings need redrawn! Please see attached photo.

Your fast action on this case would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

Peter Cairns 07920043665

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England concerning faded/worn road markings at this location.

    There is a scheme to resurface the Whitemere Pool roundabout, which will include road markings. I have asked for a date from the relevant Roads Value Manager, and once I have that I will be able to update you further.

    Thank you for contacting us with this issue.

    Kind regards

    Highways England

    State changed to: Action scheduled

    Posted by Highways England at 15:16, Mon 27 September 2021

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