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Short green times only letting three cars through

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 10:02, Fri 3 September 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2976174.

The lights on the A403 St Andrew's Road literally let about 3 cars through before they change red again for ages although there is nothing on any of the other entries of the roundabout. This is causing massive tail backs all the way along the A403 St Andrew's Road. Please can you sort out the sequence of the lights asap so the lights allow more than 3 vehicles through before changing red for ages.

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England.

    We are aware of this and attended site yesterday. The lights are now running as they should.

    If you require any further update on this issue our Customer Contact Centre is available 24 hours a day at: • 0300 123 5000


    Please quote 22041157 to discuss this matter further.

    Kind regards

    Highways England

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Highways England at 13:37, Tue 7 September 2021

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