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Tree forcing pedestrians and cyclists in to very busy road.

Reported via desktop in the Vegetation (grass/hedges/trees) (NH) category anonymously at 11:51, Thu 5 August 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2916124.

Hi there, I reported this some months back warning that it would grow again as it does each year. It is even more overgrown now than in the picture. This roundabout has some of the most heavy HGV traffic in Bristol, perhaps even the UK. This tree is forcing pedestrians and cyclists in to the road, and is only a matter of time until someone is injured or indeed killed. I believe it is a buddleia, so in its very nature grows very rapidly. Rather than pruning it back, I would suggest permanent removal due to it's location on the boundary of "Site Equipment". I ordinarily wouldn't want a tree removed as I have respect for our planet. But unfortunately, this one is a real health and saftey issue.

Kind regards Rob Claridge

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