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Road closures

Reported via mobile in the Roadworks (NH) category anonymously at 23:08, Thu 8 July 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2851349.

You recently responded to the the reason from the constant closures being a delay in completion of installation of CCTV.

Could you please explain why it was required to install 16 cameras in each tunnel including 4 PTZ units either side of the tunnel?

If you look at Lewes A27 that has 2 cameras in the tunnel. Is 36 cameras not a bit excessive?

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England, regarding installations of CCTV in the Southwick tunnel.

    Highways England recently renewed and upgraded its CCTV coverage in the A27 Southwick Tunnel to provide enhanced coverage and significantly improved reliability to meet with the Design Standards and as part of our asset management plan, to support our Control Centre, On Road and Emergency Services responders. These works included the installation of 23 new cameras and the removal of those redundant camera assets.

    The A27 Cuilfail Tunnel at Lewes is owned by East Sussex Highways and operated independently of Highways England, so we are not in a position to comment on this asset.

    I hope this information is helpful and thank you again for taking the time to contact us. Kind regards Highways England

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Highways England at 10:06, Fri 16 July 2021

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