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Road markings for services and M25

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 09:24, Sun 27 June 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2820929.

The road markings on the south mimms interchange are incorrect These road markings are not SIMPLE and concise therefore drivers are unable to understand them .These road markings cause confusion ,as the lanes are wrong and cause drivers to cut others up to be in there desired lane .This has been evident since the road was resurfaced .These are very likely to cause many accidents.

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  • The above is what I wanted to report. Specifically the sign at the first lights after exiting M25 from the west the sign indicates you are to take the right hand lane for A1 and A1081. As soon as you are through those lights it indicates you need to be in the lane one from the right which is already occupied by vehicles accessing M25 eastbound.This needs rectifying urgently

    Posted anonymously at 17:09, Sun 4 July 2021

  • Gantry says outside lane for A1081, then as soon as you pass lights you need to be in lane 3 out of 4. So cars in outside lane are barging into lane 3. You spent months reorganising roundabout. didn't any of the team spot this?

    Posted anonymously at 23:33, Sun 29 August 2021

  • The problem is still there and has not been addressed yet. The signing written on the road are wrong and do not match the signs on the table. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible as it causes confusion and unnecessary traffic.

    Posted anonymously at 10:49, Wed 8 December 2021

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