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Temporary Sump hole on bridge repairs failed

Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 16:09, Wed 2 June 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2764180.

The bridge had a hole in the surface of the bridge going over the A14. Sump hole back after poor initial shoddy temporary repairs last year. Bridge used by farmers for access and a public footpath access over the bridge. Photos available if required. Reported to Suffolk County Council and referred to you as 'Trunk road managed by Highways England'.

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England.

    We have passed your report regarding the slump on the A14 to our local inspector who will review the issue as part of their next safety check.

    We aim to provide a further update no later than the 1st of July.

    Kind regards Highways England

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted anonymously at 15:35, Thu 10 June 2021

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