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Lack of signage and road markings

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 11:15, Tue 27 April 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2693749.

When you take the slip road off the M32 towards the roundabout bottom of Muller Road. There is no clear signage of what lane to use if your going towards Fishponds. The ammount of times drivers use the middle lane to go to fishponds and nearly crash into my vehicle which is in the correct outer lane. Nobody knows what lane to use as there are no clear signs and the road markings are faint. To me it's obvious that you use the outside lane to go right but most use the middle and it happens pretty much all the time the middle lane users cut across I to the correct middle which you should filter in from the outside lane. Can you please install clear signage so people can see how to use the lanes

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  • I have reported this consistently for 3 years to no affect, my aunt was badly injured after a driver hit here here it’s the third person I know who has had this happen. The slip road was closed for weeks and reopened exactly the same. At some point someone needs to explain why BCC and highways England are refusing to do this work! All my previous threads on this issue have been closed without action or any explanation

    Posted anonymously at 12:19, Mon 2 August 2021

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