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Huge amount of litter on the verges

Reported via mobile in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 18:51, Fri 16 April 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2675499.

Hello there is a huge amount of litter in the verges on the slip. It looks awful and includes plastics

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  • I’m sorry to hear of the issues with litter build-up in this area. Litter is a serious issue and we share your concern about the amount of rubbish that is discarded on our roads. Influencing a change in behaviour with our partners, through a combination of clearance and campaign projects is a top priority for us.

    Our campaigns involve installing a range of measures at litter hotspots which have proved to reduce littering and keep our road network cleaner for longer, such as car and lorry driver height bins at motorway service areas and anti-littering posters and signs.

    On receipt of your enquiry I’ve contacted our Service Delivery Manager who has confirmed that litter collection crews have been carrying out recent collections along the M2 and several further collections, including at the slip roads as well as the main carriageway are scheduled. Therefore, I hope you will notice a significant improvement to the appearance of this area in the weeks to come.

    Kind regards Highways England

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted anonymously at 11:12, Fri 23 April 2021

  • Nothing has happened. The litter is still disgraceful on the slip roads on and off the M2 and A228.

    Posted anonymously at 15:27, Mon 3 May 2021

  • Litter all around this area is appalling. Platitudes won’t help - it needs action, and ongoing action at that.

    Posted anonymously at 15:55, Thu 12 August 2021

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