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Unlit lay-by physical segregation island has no marker posts and is not visible in the dark: westbound just west of A14 junction 49

Reported via desktop in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 21:55, Tue 6 April 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2656725.

The area is unlit; and without the reflective marker posts required by CD 169, the island is not visible in the dark with dipped headlights and is at risk of being hit at speed especially by vehicles attempting to enter the lay-by. This happened to me.

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  • Drivers may presume that there is no island since it is not marked as they would expect. They may pull into the lay-by too early to see the island but too late to avoid it – this was the case with me.

    Posted anonymously at 22:21, Tue 6 April 2021

  • Here is dashcam footage showing the problem: rUkCkYuv4xE

    Posted anonymously at 18:04, Mon 12 April 2021

  • Thank you for making us aware of this safety issue through fix my street and providing the dashcam footage from your vehicle.

    We always appreciate feedback from drivers reporting safety concerns and we hope the incident involving your vehicle was not too upsetting and the rest of your journey was completed safely.

    The footage has been passed to our safety engineers to review to see if any improvements are needed to the approach to the layby entrance as the footage showed the vehicle turning off late and crossing the hatching. Meanwhile our service delivery team will arrange to re-install the 3 missing reflector posts at the layby entrance and exit. Unfortunately these post often get damaged soon after we replace them and we are looking at alternative solutions that are more robust.

    Kind Regards Highways England

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted anonymously at 10:08, Tue 20 April 2021

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