WB Off-slip Signals Visibility
Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 13:51, Tue 6 April 2021
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2655709.
Visibility of signals and waiting pedestrians at crossing over westbound off-slip approach is severely obscured by vegetation causing a departure from Standards as per DMRB CD123 7.1, 7.2 and 7.5.1. Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 6 15.5.2 states "Pedestrians should be able to see and be seen by approaching traffic" and 15.5.3 states "Visibility should not be obscured or restricted by factors such as parked vehicles, trees or street furniture. Obstacles should be moved or removed wherever possible". I appreciate the signals at this location predate this guidance but similar points were contained in LTN 2/95, the guidance which Chapter 6 supersedes. The lack of visibility for both drivers and pedestrians at this crossing point mean that, even with a green man (invitation to cross) signal, pedestrians can have no confidence that a driver would be able to stop safely if on approach. This being on the route from my house to the primary school my daughter will be attending from September, the dangers present have now risen in my priorities. This junction approach also does not comply with the recommendation in CD123 7.10.1 and the wider junction, incorporating signals on both sides of the bridge deck, also does not comply with the recommendation in DMRB CD123 7.15.4. Given the large number of standards this junction no longer meets, including the generally poor condition and now fairly archaic use of far-side signals, I would strongly recommend that these signals are prioritised for redesign and refurbishment to modern standards.
Thank you for contacting Highways England regarding the traffic signals at M53 J2A.
The responsibility for maintenance of the traffic signals, on this road, is that of Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council.
Could we please ask that you contact them to resolve. Highways England with inspect the site to review the overgrown vegetation. If this falls on our land we will arrange to cut back and improve the visibility of the signals.
Contact details for local authorities can be found by using the search facility at:
Thank you,
Highways England
State changed to: Internal referral
Posted by at 11:11, Wed 7 April 2021
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