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Large holes/cracks in road - Northbound when it goes to three lane past Margaretting

Reported via desktop in the Road surface (NH) category anonymously at 13:01, Thu 18 March 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2617399.

The road is falling apart in the first lane when it splits to three going past Margaretting - it is like a rumble strip and causing significant movement when you are travelling at national speed limit on this stretch. There are loose stones that come up and large pot holes throughout the stretch passed the lay by.

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England.

    Since your report our inspectors have been out to look at this stretch of road on a safety inspection and have reported that all potholes/patches are still holding. They will continue to monitor this area until a business case is delivered in the coming weeks.

    Kind Regards Highways England

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted anonymously at 08:35, Mon 12 April 2021

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