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M42 Unacceptable Litter levels

Reported via desktop in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 11:06, Thu 4 March 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2586157.

The enitre M42 from M1 at Kegworth onwards up to the M6 is like an open landfill site, with litter density far in excess of most major UK motorways at present. Who is the responsible contractor and why are they not keeping to their statutory duty on litter levels. The laybys are filthy and do not have any litter bin provision, which is totally counter productive and at odds with any sensible or forward thinking litter strategy. Please clean up the M42 urgently before it becomes impossible to ever tackle.

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  • The M42 remains one of the dirtiest motorways in the UK despite Highways promises to clean it.

    Posted anonymously at 14:51, Sun 9 June 2024

  • Well I've seen they done something about it f..k all .. its still a shithole .. dordon too ashby .. nothing has been done in years nothing..I rang over a year ago and got pissed about by you lot lot should be ashamed of yourselfs for even letting it get this bad . Absolutely wrong.. Do the right thing and clean this landfill shithole as a motorway up ..thanks ..

    Posted anonymously at 10:20, Sat 28 December 2024

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