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No street lighting

Reported via mobile in the Street lighting (NH) category anonymously at 12:38, Sun 28 February 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2576967.

Signage states street lighting will be off from midnight to 5am. Its never on at 8pm Huge stretch of m6 from Bamber Bridge to Preston Extremely dangerous given how big the network is in that area

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  • Poor condition of the power cables has meant that the power to the lighting columns in this area has been isolated as a safety precaution. Renewal of this lighting has been phased to take place once an appropriate resolve has been determined. Unfortunately I am unable to provide any specific dates for this at present. Our short term plan is to look into what we can do initially via maintenance, this is being done at the moment. However, the longer term plan is to renew columns where required, as they become life-expired. These works will progress through our renewals programme.

    Only 30% of our total network is currently lit, and between 40-50% of motorways specifically. Highways England supports the aims of the Department for Transport to reduce carbon emissions by partially switching off (midnight to 5am) or permanently removing lighting from carefully selected stretches of motorway. Sites have been chosen where there is a good safety record and where analysis shows that the lights can be switched off without increasing risks to road user safety. We are still using road lighting where it is needed; however, we are confident that we can use less of it without a significant impact on safety for road users.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted anonymously at 16:33, Thu 4 March 2021

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