20 feet long ruts and 2ft by 1ft by 6inch larg pothole
Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 19:16, Wed 24 February 2021
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2570271.
The deep ruts where the lane marking used to be are stupid dangerous for motorcyclists, but the pot-hole in the right most lane is deep enough for lorry wheels to disappear into, so need to be repaired NOW!!!.
Like my previous report, this location needs to be properly repaired. As in cut the whole section out, not the cheap patch jobs Highways have been doing on this overpass since 2011.
I have just hit this in my car and as it was dark I wasnt able to see it. Very surprised my car sustained no damage I can see as yet considering the noise it made. This is off a motorway slip road and going through green lights you are carrying some speed as I was. This is totally ridiculous that this was reported over a week ago and no action has been taken. Its extremely dangerous!
Posted anonymously at 22:30, Thu 4 March 2021
This is an exceptionally dangerous pothole part entire series around the M1 Junction 5 roundabout exits, which all need to be fixed before someone is seriously hurt, especially motorcyclists!
Posted anonymously at 12:08, Mon 15 March 2021
The large pothole in the second image has been partially filled in, but this is sew inches below the main road surface.
As viewed it from the overpass side (not the M1 slip road side) I didn't get enough time to check the long 20ft ruts. I will need to swing past there again to check those.
And I will come back here with photos of the work that been done thus far.
Posted anonymously at 19:54, Wed 24 March 2021
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I check the 20ft ruts, they have not been filled in.
Posted anonymously at 14:35, Mon 19 April 2021
The 20ft ruts haven't been fixed.
Posted anonymously at 21:16, Wed 21 April 2021
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The ruts are still unfilled
Posted anonymously at 15:15, Mon 17 May 2021
The long rut I reported has not been touched, and is now worse! And the left hand most lane has rapidly deteriorated to the point as a motorcyclists I would avoid using all together.
@Highways, this is a joke, I reported this back in Feb and all you lot have done is a half a job on the initial large pothole I reported - do better!
Posted anonymously at 02:41, Mon 24 May 2021
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Half-a-job has been done, so latest photo.
Posted anonymously at 10:02, Mon 21 June 2021
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So came back from the Ace Café in London yesterday, across this junction and it still has not been properly fixed. Its is now in fact worse!. The ruts are now wide enough that both my wheels (the rear being 180 wide) would fall into and get stuck which would result in a serious accident.
Posted anonymously at 11:22, Mon 19 July 2021
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As mentioned several time before, the ruts have only been partially filled, so when there is the inevitable accident highways will be 101% liable.
Posted anonymously at 17:31, Mon 16 August 2021
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I swung past this junction a week ago and now the ruts have been filled in so they are flush with the road surface.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted anonymously at 11:36, Tue 31 August 2021
This report can be closed as fixed.
Posted anonymously at 11:38, Tue 31 August 2021
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.