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Pot holes and poor road surface

Reported via mobile in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 16:01, Sun 14 February 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2545272.

Reported over a month ago pot holes and poor road surface. Still not repaired.

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  • The bad build up litter which attracts more litter. It is harmful to wild life. The problem is repeated along the roadsides through Nottingham. I am surprised and saddened the opportunity with road closures due to repair work on Clifton bridge this hasn’t been cleared. Also less traffic due to covid in the past few months havnt been used to clear roadsides not only on these roadsides but in other trouble spots . Even where there are opportunities to work with councils and volunteers

    Posted anonymously at 07:50, Wed 24 February 2021

  • The lane from trentbridge to wilford Lane, really bad pot holes , cannot avoid any of them, hope it does not affect my springs on my car, Lane turning right onto wilford Lane .

    Posted anonymously at 10:51, Sat 27 February 2021

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