Status unknown
From Milton Common on map to A40 layby
Reported via Android in the Pavement/footpath/cycleway/bridleway issue (NH) category anonymously at 15:09, Wed 10 February 2021
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2538187.
This section now needs to be cleared You have done a great job in the direction from the laby to Tetsworth. Please clear the section to Milton Common One lady walks with a pram but has to use the A40 road
Still dangerous for walkers as have to use road. Needs clearing
Posted anonymously at 17:33, Wed 10 March 2021
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We must have this fixed. Please advise when funds will be available.
Posted anonymously at 19:27, Wed 7 April 2021
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I need an update . The section that has been cleared is no where near as bad as the stretch near Milton Common. We are always left out ! Answers please
Posted anonymously at 19:58, Wed 5 May 2021
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We still have to walk in theroad as pathway from Milton Common too restricted by growth , this small community is always left out . I shall be taking this further , I have constantly informed you of the dangerous situation . Nothing has been done
Posted anonymously at 10:40, Sat 5 June 2021
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As per usual, nothing has been carried out on the sections of footpath from Milton Common towards Tetsworth. We are always last to be considered. No street lighting , very few public bins, Excessive traffic noise from M40. We even had to pay £5000 per household to join the main sewer.
Posted anonymously at 09:45, Sun 4 July 2021
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