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M65 Junction 4 LITTER!!

Reported via mobile in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 16:08, Tue 12 January 2021

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2474332.

The junction 4 round about has had grass and hedges cut back. But all the littler left. The round about and all slip roads off this round about are full of rubbish. It looks awful. Cups, cans, crisp bags, plastic bottles, costa cups, Mac Donald’s. It’s an eye sore. Really needs attention. We should be proud of our motorways and verges but they just look awful.

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England. concerning litter at M65 jct 4.. We will inspect this location and arrange for the litter to be picked if needed.

    Kind regards

    Highways England

    Posted by Highways England at 13:12, Thu 21 January 2021

  • M65 and slip roads still a disaster area as far as litter in concerned this has been like this for far to long do your job for what you get paid for put cameras up to caught people who are doing this to our environment this country road wise is a disgrace

    Posted anonymously at 08:37, Sun 11 April 2021

  • The whole of the M56 is a total disgrace from Clayton le Moors through to Colne.........the litter is dreadful on the verges and at the junctions. Please would you have a team go out and litter pick all this accumulated rubbish...........many thanks

    Posted anonymously at 00:40, Sun 10 April 2022

  • On recent journeys on the M65 near junction 4 I have noticed increased amounts of litter on the slip roads and verges. In some area it looks as if someone has systematically strewn litter with hardly an unlittered area to be seen . An absolute disgrace. Also, larger pieces of plastic, paper, cardboard etc which have presumably fallen from vehicles where the load has been unsecured, which presents a danger to motorway traffic as well as a total eyesore. Please please do something about this!!

    Posted anonymously at 16:18, Tue 14 February 2023

  • The motorways and highways are in such a shocking state at the moment. The amount of litter/rubbish running up and down the sides is disgraceful and depressing to look at. The money we pay towards maintaining these roads is not being spent correctly. I have not loans since come back from travelling in Europe and you hardly see a drop of litter there. The M65 has become a corridor of crap! I would love to be able to start collecting the rubbing myself but I would probably be arrested for being on the motorway.

    SORT IT OUT!!!

    Posted anonymously at 08:28, Sun 19 March 2023

  • Thank you for contacting National Highways about litter. Littering by people is, unfortunately, a behaviour that has a big impact on some parts of our roads. We aim to keep our roads as tidy and free of litter as we can. Our litter picking is carefully planned to try to minimise the impact it has on road users and the safety of our people. Litter picks often require lane closures, which are disruptive to traffic flow. To help reduce the frequency of this disruption, where we can, we usually combine our reactive litter picks with other maintenance work which can result in what appears to be a delayed response.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by National Highways at 10:03, Fri 1 September 2023

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