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Not bold enough and missing road sign

Reported via desktop in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 11:24, Wed 16 December 2020

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2434531.

This is a three lane approach.Road markings indicate left hand lane left turn, middle and outside lane straight ahead. Problem occurs when middle lane drivers use it to turn left also!!! Thus forcing drivers in the correct lane to yield . Better road markings and signs will hopefully rectify the hazard

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  • Thank you for contacting Highways England. concerning the road markings at junction 2 of the M32. We shall look into this issue and aim to provide a response by 04/01/21.

    Can we please ask that you check back on this date for an update.

    Kind regards

    Highways England

    Posted by Highways England at 15:19, Wed 16 December 2020

  • Middle Lane is for left going towards Muller Road and straight towards M32/ fishponds, read the road markings!

    Left turn is for shops.

    Posted anonymously at 11:51, Tue 5 January 2021

  • Our ref: 21804261 Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your email of 16 December 2020 about lane markings on the M32. We appreciate you taking the time to raise your concerns with us and apologise for the delay in updating you. Having looked into accident history at this location, there are no records of accidents as a result of the issue you've described. However, we are aware of an issue at this location linked to the local road that merges from the left at the bottom of the slip road. This causes issues where drivers wish to move to right and head towards Muller Road/Eastgate. The location has advanced directional signage, as well as two set of road markings on the approach to the roundabout which provides drivers with adequate information. We will continue to monitor this location for any emerging issues and intervene if and when necessary. If you require any further update on this issue our Customer Contact Centre is available 24 hours a day at: • 0300 123 5000


    Please quote 21804261 to discuss this matter further.

    Kind regards Highways England

    Posted by Highways England at 12:08, Wed 20 January 2021

  • I also find this very confusing. i think the pin might be in wrong place here. for the M32 SB offlsip, the road markings on local road vs slip are confusing. i thought left-most lane was for muller road and also going straight onto the stapleton rd one-way section. middle lane shouldn't be turning left but people always do coming from the slip road to cut the queue. can this please be had a look at and talk to the council next time you are doing proper works here.

    Posted anonymously at 13:19, Sat 27 February 2021

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