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A perhaps pregnant frog on Lewes Road where it meets Coldean Lane on route to Falmer, not sure if is alive but cars are swerving to avoid it. Seen 11:00am

Reported via desktop in the Dead animals (NH) category anonymously at 11:23, Sun 6 December 2020

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2419581.

A perhaps pregnant frog on Lewes Road where it meets Coldean Lane on route to Falmer, not sure if is alive but cars are swerving to avoid it. Seen 11:00am by Celine who called the library and asked us to report it as she has no internet.

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  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 15:05, Mon 4 January 2021

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