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Bridge being used as place for drug use, damage to bridge lights/graffiti/flytipping,

Reported via desktop in the Street lighting (NH) category anonymously at 13:21, Mon 16 November 2020

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 2390075.

The bridge is becoming a place to meet for gangs. It is becoming a problem for local residents to walk under the bridge and our local young people feel intimated, to the point of calling their parents to come and pick them up, rather than walk under the bridge. This happens during the day and on evenings. The cars meet under the bridge and cannabis is used and sold. Last night fireworks were fired at the bridge lights, trying to break them. This am there is rubbish everywhere, old fireworks and remnants of canisters (they inhale). Is it possible to connect a camera to the bridge to stop this. We also have cars parking under the bridge and doing mechanical work, swapping tyres from new cars onto older ones?? The bridge is becoming a worry for local residents.

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  • 2390072 refers

    State changed to: Duplicate

    Posted by Highways England at 15:15, Wed 13 January 2021

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